What Could Deptford People’s Heritage Museum Be? An Online Community Gathering and Launch Event

20th February 2021, 13:00- 15:00 GMT


Whether you are a teacher, young person, local community activist or organiser, older person, someone with a lot of historical knowledge of the area or someone wanting to learn more, we would like to invite you the first of regular gatherings we will hold to build the museum together. Bring along an object or image that relates to Deptford and help to shape the future of the Museum.

Some of you may have seen objects related to African histories and traditions at the Pepys Resource Centre, others may have seen Chip on Your Shoulder, an exhibition we held in the autumn with the Lenox Project and Naval Dockyard Society about how many of our personal histories in the local area, cross over with the history of the Docks. We really want this to be a museum for and by local people, to take on ‘the village ethos’, to honour our ancestors by keeping their and our struggles alive.

Two hand drums,  Peoples Museum of Deptford, 2020

︎ (Click here for more information)